Welcome back to the second half of Term 1, it sounds like the children had a lovely mid-term break and are ready to learn loads of new things!
The tricky word this week is 'be', can you think of any sentences with this word in it?
The first sound we are learning about this week is:
The formation rhyme for this sound goes like this:
'Dive down, bump the line, swim back up and over.'
Have a look at some things that start with this sound!
Here is the song for the sound 'r'
Later on in the week we will learn all about the sound

The formation rhyme for this sound is:
'Dive down, swim up and over, back down, bump, swim up and over, back down and kick.'

Here is the song for 'm':
We will be learning all about transport for the next two weeks and our new Aistear topic is 'The Train Station'. Some of the words we will be learning are: train station, train driver, schedule, ticket master, platform, single ticket, return ticket and carriage.
The children will be learning all about the different types of transport so you can take a look at some of these types of transport and chat about what they could be used for!

![View source image Image result for dart train]](http://averilpower.ie/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/dart-train2.jpg)

You can also have a listen to some nice songs about transport and the story of the 'Little Engine That Could'
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