The homework this week has a new addition to it! The children will continue on with their reading of 'The Picnic', using the reading guide with the dates for each night.
The new tricky word is:
There is also a new purple copybook in their folders, with 'dictation copy' written on the front. On the inside cover is a little guide about what dictation is and how the children should be completing this for homework, as well as 3 words for each night this week.
With dictation, an adult should say each of the three words for the child and the child can then write the word in their copybook. The children should write each word on a separate line and you can repeat the word a few times for them before or as they are writing it.
If they are finding it a bit challenging, don't worry, it will take a bit of time to get used to it and it really will benefit their phonological awareness and handwriting!
If you have any questions about this, please just send me an email.
Thanks :)
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