The rhyme for this sound is 'Dive down from the sky, bump the line, kick and cross'. You could have a look for some things in your home with the 't' sound in it and see how many you find!
The song for this sound goes like this:
The second sound this week is the 'i' sound.

The rhyme for this sound goes like this... 'Down and kick, don't forget the dot'.
Here is the song for this sound.
Our tricky word this week is
We went on a hunt around the classroom for this word today. Maybe listen out for this word when people are talking or in some storybooks.
Our Aistear theme this week is still 'The Home' and the children have been really getting into this topic; creating fingerprint families and houses, making houses out of blocks, making furniture out of play dough and playing in the 'home' corner at the back of the room!
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