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Homework for the week 27th - 31st March

Hi everyone,
Don't forget to do a page of the handwriting book each night with your reading practice!!
Please do not go ahead in the book. 
Each night this week the children will get a new little reader that we will have practiced each day in class. Each day we will practice a new vowel group. 

Monday - short a sound
Tuesday - short o sound
Wednesday - short i sound 
 Thursday - short u sound

Next week we will work on the short e sound and review all of the sounds together. 
The children are loving the readers in class so please make sure to practice them every night. It is also good revision of their tricky words. 

Our tricky word for this week is make and revision of all of our words to date.
 Here is a list of all of our tricky words. 
1. I
2. the
3. he
4. she
5. we
6. me
7. be
8. was
9. to
10. do
11. are
12. all
13. you
14. your
15. come
16. some
17. said
18. here
19. there
Here is a list of all of our wordbox, decodable words.


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