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Showing posts from February, 2018

Weekly homework Starting 26th of February

Happy Monday!  Here is the homework for the week:  1. Tricky Words Revision of the tricky words (3 from the old list and 3 from the new list): he , you, so, little, more, would    2: Reading The children have been given new readers in their folders.  Once your child gets a new book, please  fill in the date they received the book  and  sign the sheet  if you feel your child has completed the book to the best of their ability.  When completing this at home, please focus on fluency, pacing, good expression and a good understanding of the book they are reading.  As always, if you have any questions about this please feel free to ask ☺ 3: Sound Booklet Our sound this week is the ' aw ' sound. Please complete  page 30  in the Sound Booklet. Here are some 'aw' sounds:                               P aw s ...

Friendship Week

Before the mid-term break, the whole school had Friendship Week.  Every day, the children went outside to play in Friendship Groups with children from other classes. They played team games and worked together. We also had Maria's 4th class come into our room and make friendship bracelets with us which was really fun and great to watch all the children working together to make something lovely!  It was a great success and the children really benefited from working and playing with children from other classes, well done to all the teachers and children who organised such a fantastic week! 

Weekly homework 19th of February

Hi Everyone,  I hope you all had a lovely mid term break! We had a student teacher, Conor, start with us today and he will be teaching the class for four weeks. The children are all very excited! Feel free to come to me if you have any questions etc as I will still be in the classroom during this period.  Here is the homework for the week:  1. Tricky Words Revision of the tricky words (3 from the old list and 3 from the new list) ' the ', ' all ', ' no ', ' old ', ' many ' and ' should '.  2: Reading The children have been given new readers in their folders.  Once your child gets a new book, please fill in the date they received the book and sign the sheet if you feel your child has completed the book to the best of their ability.  When completing this at home, please focus on fluency, pacing, good expression and a good understanding of the book they are reading.  As always, if you have any questions about this please ...